& Happiness
Go Hand & Hand

When you sense that

"something's not right",

your body's talking to you.
Your gut feeling,

your intuitive heart sense -

these are signals.

And requests for change.

Restore Your Health
Reclaim Your Life

You may be struggling with one or more of these
common chronic conditions:


Fatigue & Toxicity

Being tired after a bad night or a taxing workout is normal.

But progressive fatigue is a red flag. It can be a sign that your body's ability to create and maintain energy is in trouble.

This can be caused by escalating levels of toxic exposures you may not even see, or chronic deficiencies in cellular nutrition.


Stress & Inflammation

Stress is so much a part of "normal" life, that it's easy to dismiss from our minds.

But chronic stress drives escalating levels of inflammation in your whole body.

And inflammation is at the root of all disease.

It's important to take it seriously, and short-circuit inflammation's destructive effects on your life and happiness.


Unstable Blood Sugar

Here's the straight-up truth: riding the rollercoaster of out-of-control blood sugar is a recipe for disaster.

There is not a single chronic disease that doesn't love it when your blood sugar behaves like a yo-yo. Cancer, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, diabetes - they all run rampant when your blood sugar is on the rampage.

The first steps are always the hardest - but having a roadmap and support along the way can make all the difference.


Brain Fog/ADHD/Memory Loss

The modern lifestyle is not kind to your precious brain.

That's why "inflamm-aging" conditions like Alzheimer's are higher than ever in human history,

and so many of us have issues with focus, concentration, and mood.

But that doesn't have to happen to you. And the good news is - simple strategies can
have a big impact.


Impaired Digestion

A happy digestion is truly key to your overall vitality. It's the basis for your body's ability to withstand immune challenges,

and to make the feel-good brain chemicals we need to navigate life.

When episodes of gas, bloating, constipation / diarrhea or other digestive "oopsies" are happening regularly, it's time to take action.


Unbalanced Hormones

Irritable? Exhausted? Tossing & turning at night? Struggling with your weight?

Whether it's your thyroid or your reproductive system, when your hormones are out of sync, it really feels like the wheels are falling off track!

Yes, there are prescription medications that can help - but the big question is:

what's really causing your hormones to misfire?


Heart & Circulation

When your heart suffers, it affects everything. It truly is central to the health of your whole body.

When your heart is working well, and your cardiovascular circulation is healthy, what happens?

Your vitality and enjoyment of life bubble up! You get to be the YOU nature intended, and live the life you love.


Depression & Anxiety

When life's challenges outweigh its joys, it can be very hard to meet a new day with any enthusiasm.

Getting stuck in this state isn't acceptable: you have too much to offer the world, and too much to enjoy.

When we start to rebuild how your body works at the cellular level, everything - including your outlook! - starts to improve..

They all have something in common:

Stressed, unhealthy, unhappy CELLS.

Cells are the building blocks for everything that is you.


When your cells are inflammed, overwhelmed & under-performing, your health inevitably suffers.


There are an astounding number of cells in your body - about 32 trillion on average.


They all have a role to play in keeping you healthy and happy.


When too many become damaged or dysfunctional, symptoms start to surface.

It's hard to live your purpose & enjoy your life

when you're chasing symptoms.


When we focus on rebuilding the foundations of your health, we can make tangible progress.


The goal is improving how your body functions , instead of pushing symptoms out of sight.


When your cells start to work well, everything gets better.

The secret is simple.

Healthy Cells = Healthy Body = Happy Life


Whole body health care saved my life.

In my early forties, I was completely side-lined by chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia – and I was desperately afraid. I worked in a high pressure environment, designing interactive multi-media based education, and I thought I might never work again.Over time, through trial and error, I put together the pieces of the solution: nutrient-dense foods, herbal remedies and whole food supplements, eliminating toxins, gentle chiropractic care and soft tissue work, movement-based rehab. These tools transformed my life – and my career.Now I have the great privilege of helping other people in need of change. Whatever the pieces of the solution are for you, it’s always a dialogue and a partnership. The goal is for you to live a happy, productive life, and enjoy being on the planet.

How stressed are YOUR cells?

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